Slogans to live by (or suffer through)
Principes Non Homines, Latin for "Leaders, not [merely] Men" (Webb School of California)

In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen, Latin for "In Your [i.e., God's] light we shall see the light" (a paraphrase of Psalm 36:9) (Columbia University in the City of New York)

Veritas liberabit vos, Latin for "The truth shall make you free" (John 8:32, King James Version) (Southern Methodist University)

Zur Verpflegung der deutschen Sprache im Ausland und zur Förderung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit, German for "For Sustaining of the German Language Abroad and for the Promotion of International Cooperation" (Goethe-Institut)

Vox, veritas, vita, Latin for "Voice, Truth, Life" (The California State University)

Laborare Pugnare Parati Sumus, Latin for "To work or fight: we are ready" (California Maritime Academy)