26 Mai 2008

Down with Dumb Blondes

Nothing but trouble. A waste of good oxygen and water, particularly overpriced bottled water. The Germans are supposedly blond, but they too make dumb-blonde jokes:

Was bekommt man, wenn man 20 Blondinen Ohr an Ohr stellt? Einen Windkanal. (What do you get when you put 20 blondes next to each other ear to ear? A wind channel.)

Was hat eine dunkel gefärbte Blondine? Künstliche Intelligenz. (What does a blonde have when she dyes her hair dark? Artificial intelligence.)

Wie bringt man die Augen einer Blondine zum Leuchten? Taschenlampe ans Ohr halten. (How do you make a blonde's eyes light up? Hold a flashlight up to her ear.)

Wie beschäftigt man eine Blondine stundenlang? Man beschriftet ein Blatt Papier auf beiden Seiten mit „Bitte wenden!“ (How do you keep a blonde busy for hours on end? Write "Please turn over" on both sides of a sheet of paper.)

Woran erkennt man, dass eine Blondine deinen PC benutzt hat? Am Tipp-Ex auf dem Monitor. (How do you recognize that a blonde has used her computer? White-out on the screen.)

And, darüber hinaus, if that isn't enough, falls das nicht reicht:

Can't recognize it on a map?! More than a fifth of Americans think that the SUN revolves around the EARTH. NO, that is not a typographical error.